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Special Note to Parents:

We have formed teams to give the youth in our and neighboring communities an opportunity to play a sport that promotes athleticism, skills, and most importantly, sportsmanship. Soccer is a fantastic sport that most parents are not familiar with. There are only 17 laws of soccer so the game is simple to learn, but very stategically oriented. The best way to get the MOST out of this sport is to PLEASE become involved and ask questions.  Just like any sport, unless you participate in it in one form another, you will not embrace it. We can always use coaches, assistants and volunteers. The dedicated coaches and volunteers that make this league work can always use your help, whether actually coaching (we will train - don't fear this), assisting coaches by chasing balls, assisting with anything (coaches truely appreciate it), becoming referees, or simply working in concessions, fundraising or anything else that makes the organization run smoothly.


We are currently working with Iowa Soccer Association and American Youth Soccer Organization to form a non-profit club. This is a huge step that will only benefit our organization and solidify Mt. Pleasant's presence in soccer. We are pioneering this effort and need your support. The Club, once granted, will have board members and be run as a business. This should streamline issues and allow positive input to benefit our kids.


Stay tuned and please become involved, your kids will love it!

Highly recommended article must read!!!!

"I don't know anything about soccer" we all have been there here is a quick reference guide to soccer rules and players

Good info on parenting/coaching/and participating in sports...Applies to ALL sports, sometimes we all need a different perspective.

US youth soccer website link...good information available here.

Iowa's official youth soccer website

Please keep checking back, as I will try to find informative articles or links that will help us all continue to provide the best coaching and parenting tools available. Please feel free to contact me if you have a good article/video/link you wish to share with others...This is the UNITED website and we are proud of our children and want to provide them the best we can in life.

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